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Prerequisites - The right way to start coding
While it’s best to dive right into coding to sustain the initial excitement, learning basic concepts and fundamentals is as important to build a strong foundation.
Career Paths
Understand the career options available to a software developer to see what appeals to you the most.
Is Coding For You?
Before you jump into it, it's important to weigh the pros and cons and understand the reality of what it takes to become a successful programmer.
Deno, a better Node.js?
Deno is a relatively new runtime for JavaScript. It was created by Ryan Dahl, the same person who also created Node.js.
How Ubuntu Linux got its name?
The history of Ubuntu dates back to 2004 when it was first released by Canonical, a UK-based software company.
Simplified - Prototypes in JavaScript
Unlike a class, which is a template for creating objects, a prototype is an instantiated object with functions and properties that can be copied to other objects.
Why do arrays begin with index 0?
While the use of zero-based numbering may seem counterintuitive at first, it has become a widely accepted convention in programming and has proven to be a helpful tool for simplifying code, avoiding errors, and improving readability.
WordPress was created by a Jazz musician
The story of WordPress is an interesting case study of how passion and grit can help change the world, no matter your background or qualification.
First programming language
So, which was the first programming language? Was it Fortran? Was it Assembly? Or was it something even older? As with most things in the history of computers, the answer is not straightforward.
git was created by this famous person
Did you know that git was created by a famous software engineer... as geek stories usually go... to solve his own problem?
Yoda conditions
Yoda notation is a style of writing conditions, especially equality checks, in reverse order.
Java originally had another name
Coffee had nothing to do with its original name.
Book Review - The Pragmatic Programmer
The Pragmatic Programmer is one book that can accelerate your coming out of the valley of disappointment and into the sublime world of first-rate programmers.
To merge or to squash on GitHub
Using the "squash and merge" option offers some benefits over the "merge commit" option while closing your pull requests.
How did we end up here?